main Algorithm

The main Algorithm, also known as the Central Algorithm, is a core computational procedure that plays a critical role in solving a wide range of problems in computer science, mathematics, and other related fields. It is a step-by-step procedure designed to perform a specific task, usually with the goal of optimizing the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. The main Algorithm typically lies at the heart of a computer program, as it is responsible for processing the input data, analyzing it, and producing the desired output. The choice of the main Algorithm depends on the nature of the problem, and its efficiency can significantly impact the overall performance of a system. In practice, the main Algorithm can take various forms depending on the task at hand. For example, in sorting algorithms such as QuickSort, MergeSort, or BubbleSort, the primary goal is to arrange a list of elements in a specific order. These algorithms employ different techniques to achieve the same result, with varying levels of efficiency depending on the input size and data distribution. On the other hand, search algorithms like Binary Search or Breadth-First Search aim to locate a specific element within a data structure, such as an array or a graph. The main Algorithm can also be employed in more complex tasks, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, where it can be used to train models, make predictions, or optimize processes. Regardless of the application, the main Algorithm serves as a vital component that ultimately determines the success and efficiency of a computational task.
#include <stdio.h>

#include "hash_set.h"

int main()
    hash_set_t *set = init_hash_set();

    int v1 = 10, v2 = 20, v3 = 30, v4 = 40, v5 = 50, v6 = 60, v7 = 70;

    printf("Value %d was add ? %d\n", v1, add(set, &v1));
    printf("Value %d was add ? %d\n", v1, add(set, &v1));
    printf("contains %d ? %d\n", v1, contains(set, &v1));

    printf("Value %d was add ? %d\n", v2, add(set, &v2));
    printf("Value %d was add ? %d\n", v2, add(set, &v2));
    printf("contains %d ? %d\n", v2, contains(set, &v2));

    printf("Value %d was add ? %d\n", v3, add(set, &v3));
    printf("Value %d is add ? %d\n", v3, add(set, &v3));
    printf("contains %d ? %d\n", v3, contains(set, &v3));

    printf("Value %d was add ? %d\n", v4, add(set, &v4));
    printf("Value %d was add ? %d\n", v4, add(set, &v4));
    printf("contains %d ? %d\n", v4, contains(set, &v4));

    printf("Value %d was add ? %d\n", v5, add(set, &v5));
    printf("Value %d was add ? %d\n", v5, add(set, &v5));
    printf("contains %d ? %d\n", v5, contains(set, &v5));

    printf("Value %d is add ? %d\n", v6, add(set, &v6));
    printf("Value %d is add ? %d\n", v6, add(set, &v6));
    printf("contains %d ? %d\n", v6, contains(set, &v6));

    printf("contains %d ? %d\n", v7, contains(set, &v7));

    delete(set, &v6);

    printf("contains %d ? %d\n", v6, contains(set, &v6));

    return 0;