merge sort nr Algorithm

The merge sort algorithm is a highly efficient and widely used comparison-based sorting technique that works on the divide and conquer strategy. It is a recursive algorithm that continually splits the input list in half until it reaches the base case of either empty or single-element lists. The algorithm then merges the smaller sorted lists back together by comparing and arranging the elements in a sorted order, thus producing a final sorted array. The merge sort algorithm is well-regarded for its consistently strong performance, with a time complexity of O(n*log(n)) in the worst, average, and best-case scenarios. The merge sort algorithm can be further optimized by implementing a non-recursive or iterative approach, referred to as the merge sort nr (non-recursive) algorithm. This approach eliminates the need for recursion by using loops to divide and merge the elements within the input list. The algorithm begins by treating each element as a single sorted list and repeatedly merging adjacent pairs of lists until only one sorted list remains. The merge sort nr algorithm maintains the same O(n*log(n)) time complexity as the recursive merge sort, but it reduces the space complexity and the risk of a stack overflow in systems with limited memory resources. Additionally, the iterative approach is more intuitive for some programmers to understand and implement, making it a valuable alternative to the traditional recursive merge sort.
/* Program to demonstrate non recursive merge sort */

/* Merge sort is an effective sorting algorithm which falls under divide and conquer paradigm and produces a stable sort.
 Merge sort repeatedly breaks down a list into several sublists until each sublist consists of a single element and merging those 
 sublists in a manner that results into a sorted list.

Bottom-Up Merge Sort Implementation:
The Bottom-Up merge sort approach uses iterative methodology. It starts with the “single-element” array, and combines two adjacent elements and 
also sorting the two at the same time. 
The combined-sorted arrays are again combined and sorted with each other until one single unit of sorted array is achieved. */

#include  <stdio.h>

void  mergesort(int  x[ ] , int  n) ; 
void  show(int  x[ ] , int  n) ;

void  mergesort(int  x[ ] , int  n)
  int  temp[50] , i , j , k , lb1 , lb2 , ub1 , ub2 , size ;

  size=1 ;
    lb1=0 ;
    k=0 ;

      lb2=lb1+size ;
      ub1=lb2-1 ;
		ub2=ub1+size ;
		ub2=n-1 ;

      i=lb1 ;
      j=lb2 ;

	  		temp[k++]=x[i++] ;
	  		temp[k++]=x[j++] ;

		temp[k++]=x[i++] ;

		temp[k++]=x[j++] ;

      lb1=ub2+1 ;

    for(i=0 ; i<=ub2 ; i++)
      x[i]=temp[i] ;

    size=size*2 ;

    show(x,n) ;

// function to show each pass
void  show(int  x[ ] , int  n)
  int  i ;
  for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
    printf("%d " , x[i]) ;
  printf("\n\n") ;

int  main() //main function
 int  i , n , x[20] ;

 printf("Enter the number of elements: ") ;
 scanf("%d",&n) ;
 printf("Enter the elements:\n") ;
 for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
    scanf("%d",&x[i]) ;

 mergesort(x,n) ;

 printf("Sorted array is as shown:\n") ;
 for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
    printf("%d " , x[i]) ;
 return 0;

/* Output of the Program*/
Enter the number of elements: 5
Enter the elements:
14 15 12 13 11

12 13 14 15 11

11 12 13 14 15

Sorted array is as shown:
11 12 13 14 15